  1. 1. Export devices added in Apple’s iOS Provision portal

Export devices added in Apple’s iOS Provision portal



| |
| If you’re looking for an option that doesn’t require additional |
| software, recordings, or fiddling with regular expressions, here’s a |
| JavaScript snippet you can run in Chrome’s (or I’d assume, any other |
| browser’s) JavaScript console to get a properly-formatted device list: |
| |
| ``` {style=”max-height:600px;margin:0px;border:0px;font-size:13px;overfl |
| ow:auto;width:auto;padding:5px;margin-bottom:1em;font-family:Consolas, M |
| enlo, Monaco, ‘Lucida Console’, ‘Liberation Mono’, ‘DejaVu Sans Mono’, ‘ |
| Bitstream Vera Sans Mono’, ‘Courier New’, monospace, sans-serif;backgrou |

| nd-color:rgb(238, 238, 238);display:block;color:rgb(57, 51, 24);word-wra |
| p:normal;”} |
| var ids =[“Device ID”];var names =[“Device Name”]; |
| $(“td[aria-describedby=grid-table_name]”).each(function(){ |
| names.push($(this).html());}); |
| $(“td[aria-describedby=grid-table_deviceNumber]”).each(function(){ |
| ids.push($(this).html());});var output =””;for(var index =0; index < |
| ids.length; index++){ |
| output += ids[index]+”\t”+ names[index]+”\n”;} |
| console.log(output); |
| ``` |
| |
| The complete export will be logged to the console, at which point you |
| can simply copy/paste it into an empty text document, which can then be |
| re-imported back to Apple at any time. |
| |
| This works with Apple’s current developer site layout, as of April 2015. |
| Obviously it may break if they change stuff. |
| |



  1. 1. Export devices added in Apple’s iOS Provision portal